Statutory meeting

After the annual general meetings (AGMs), a statutory meeting of the board is held at which the positions of responsibility that were not elected during the AGM are allocated between the members of the board.

After the annual general meetings (AGMs), a statutory meeting of the board is held at which the positions of responsibility that were not elected during the AGM are allocated between the members of the board.

For practical reasons, the members elected to the board at the AGM stay on and hold the statutory meeting immediately so that the board can quickly get on with its work. At the statutory meeting, the board also appoints a signatory/signatories.

At the AGM, members elect the members of the club board. Some posts must be filled directly at the AGM, including that of chair/convenor. Other positions and responsibilities may be allocated among the board members depending on the needs of the club. Posts that can be allocated between board members are deputy chair, treasurer, secretary, membership secretary and recruitment officer.

The statutory meeting also appoints the person or people allowed to represent the club and sign on its behalf. For example, signatories are authorised to apply to the Swedish Tax Agency for an organisation number, open and manage a bank account or otherwise represent the club’s board. The chair and the treasurer are often the signatories.

The board decides that the signatories “may sign individually” or “may sign jointly”. If you choose to allow the signatories to sign “individually”, this means that the person or people appointed have the right to pay invoices or perform bank transactions on their own. If you choose to allow the signatories to sign “jointly”, all the signatories must sign agreements or approve invoices.

The approved minutes of the statutory board meeting must include the name of the club, the date, the decisions of the club board regarding the composition of the board and decisions regarding signatories and whether signatories sign individually or jointly.

Note that the personal identity number of the signatories needs to be included in the minutes to make it easier for the club to open a bank account. Signatories must be appointed by the board each year, which means it is important to make sure that the bank has up-to-date information and to notify changes in line with the bank’s procedures. Otherwise, you will not be able to run the account or close it if you want to in the future. Note that banks usually require the club to have an organisation number before they will let you open a bank account. You need to apply to the Swedish Tax Agency for an organisation number.

The templates you will need for the statutory meeting are available here.

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