5. Staffing the new organisation
Once the new organisation has been decided, it is time to look at staffing – that is, who will be affected and who will be in which position.
In order to try to avoid terminating people’s employment, the employer should examine the possibility of redeploying those whose positions are not retained in the new organisation to any vacant posts. This is called a redeployment investigation, and the employer is required under the Employment Protection Act to carry out such an investigation. In this situation, the employer does not have to take into account the length of service and can choose the person they consider most suitable.
In order to be redeployed to a new position, the employee needs to have sufficient qualifications for that position. This means that the employee must have the general qualifications normally required of someone applying for that job.
An employee who is to be redeployed receives a redeployment offer. The redeployment offer must be reasonable, but it may still involve different duties and a lower salary.
If the employee refuses a redeployment offer, there are normally objective grounds for terminating employment due to a work shortage. It is therefore not possible to turn down redeployment and claim someone else’s position on the grounds of longer service.
It is only when the employer has made redeployment offers, and those offered redeployment have accepted or declined, that it can be determined whether there is still redundancy in the organisation, i.e. whether there is a work shortage.