Introduction seminar for English speaking union representatives

2 October, online

For whom Elected representatives
Activity type In English
Duration 1 day
Date and location 2 October 9.00 — 17.00 Online
Deadline for registration 25 September
No charge
F-marked The course is F-marked, which means that you, as an elected official, can attend the course with your salary. Remember to have a dialogue with your employer well in advance.

In this seminar, you will learn about the relationship between the union and the employer (the Swedish part model), common negotiations and how to handle them, and an introduction to the salary process.

The seminar will be conducted in English online on Microsoft Teams and will include group discussions. You will get the chance to meet other English-speaking union representatives and exchange ideas and experiences. 

Useful to know

You will receive link to the meeting a few days in advance. Check-in at 8.45.

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