
Vi ger dig svar på dina frågor om din medlemsavgift, faktura och betalning.

235 SEK per month if you are working

The standard membership fee if you are working is SEK 235/month. If your income is less than SEK 25,000/month, the membership fee is lower. If there is a club at your workplace, a compulsory club membership fee may also apply.

The best decision of your working life *

* At least if you ask our 700,000 members.

What does membership cost for you as a working member?

This is included when you are a member of Unionen


  1. A safe income insurance that complements the unemployment insurance fund

    The unemployment insurance fund does not reimburse what you earn above SEK 33,000. With our income insurance, you can, together with the unemployment insurance fund, insure income up to SEK 60,000 / month.


  2. Advice and help when it’s time for negotiating your salary and the performance review

    We give you advice and support when it's time for salary negotiation and performance review meeting. The salary negotiation is the most important meeting of the year for you and your salary. With the help of our salary statistics and salary coaching, we can help you get well prepared for your salary negotiation and increase your chances of being heard for your requirements. Performance reviews, which you should have once a year, are for developing you as an employee and the company as a whole. Getting well prepared for these talks is just as important as preparing for the salary negotiation. Of course we will help you with that too!
  3. Problems at work? Contact Unionen

    Advice and negotiation assistance in all matters of working life. Sometimes it gets stressful. Sometimes you do not agree. Sometimes the problems pile up. But it's OK - as a member you get advice and support when problems and disputes arise in the workplace.

Not a member yet?

Become a member today and enjoy all the benefits of the membership. The best decision of your working life.

Membership fee for students

Student membership is for those studying at college or university who have not previously been a working member of Unionen.

  • SEK 0 for your entire study period
    As a student member you pay SEK 0 for membership that covers your entire study period, regardless of how long you decide to study.
  • SEK 100 the entire first year after you have been a student member
    As a previous student member the fee is substantially reduced in your first year as a working member, and you pay just SEK 100 for your first 12 months.

Membership fee for the self-employed

Information about the membership fee for self-employed members in Unionen.
If you have questions please contact us at 0771-747 470 or Opening hours Monday – Friday, 09.00–17.00.

Temporarily reduced fee

If you experience a temporary fall in your income, your membership fee can be reduced during this period. In order to have your fee reduced, your total income must be lower than the income on which we based your ordinary fee for a period of at least three months. If you have questions please contact us at 0770-870 870. Opening hours for union advice Monday – Friday, 09.00–17.00, for membership and invoicing issues Monday – Friday, 09.00–16.00.

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