Better work environment (BAM)

14 May — 21 May, online

For whom Manager, Work environment representative, Arbetsmiljöombud
Activity type In English
Duration 3 days
Date and location 14 May — 21 May Online
Deadline for registration 28 April
Cost non-member (manager) 7.550 SEK
Cost for members 6.550 SEK
F-marked The course is F-marked, which means that you, as an elected official, can attend the course with your salary. Remember to have a dialogue with your employer well in advance.

The course gives you basic knowledge of work environment issues as well as methods to systematically address the work environment at your workplace.

Working with work environment is largely about finding and preventing risks. This works best when managers, work environment representatives and other employees collaborate. 
Unionen provides the course in collaboration with Prevent

The cost is paid by your employer

According to the Work Environment Act chapter 6 § 4 regarding the right to obtain training for work environment representatives, your employer is required to pay for the course. If your employer does not have a collective agreement, it is the regulations regarding leave, stipulated in the Work Environment Act, that are applicable.

Time and location

  • 14 May, 9.00 — 16.00
  • 15 May, 9.00 — 16.00
  • 21 May, 9.00 — 16.00

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