The Swedish collective agreement model


For whom Elected representatives, Member
Activity type E-kurs när du vill
Duration About 20 minutes
Date and location Whenever you want Online
Ingen avgift
F-marked The course is F-marked, which means that you, as an elected official, can attend the course with your salary. Remember to have a dialogue with your employer well in advance.

This is an introduction, in English, to the Swedish collective agreement model, Swedish labor law and collective agreements.

You will get a presentation of the history of the Swedish collective agreement model and the developments until today. Unionen is part of the Swedish collective agreement model which is Unionen’s key tool for ensuring security and influence in the workplace. 

The course takes about 20 minutes.

Useful to know

The first time you are going to attend an online course, you need to make an application.

As soon as you have applied for the course, you will find the course at “Dina kurser och aktiviteter” (sometimes it may take a short time before the application is registered).

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