Introduction for work environment representatives


For whom Work environment representative
Activity type E-kurs när du vill
Duration About 40 minutes
Date and location Whenever you want Online
No charge

In this e-course, you will get a short introduction in the role of a work environment representative.

You will find out what is included in your role, which laws and regulations govern work environment management and what your rights and obligations are.

Experienced work environment representatives will give you tips on how to succeed in your role and where to turn if you have questions or need support. You will also learn about the motivations of other work environment representatives and reflect on your own motivations and what you want to achieve in your role.

Useful to know

The first time you are going to attend an online course, you need to make an application.

As soon as you have applied for the course, you will find the course at “Dina kurser och aktiviteter” (sometimes it may take a short time before the application is registered).

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