Unionen's Income insurance for members
As a member of Unionen, you are covered by income protection insurance that supplements the payment you receive from your unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa).
This means that you can insure an income of up to SEK 60.000 a month if unemployed for up to 150 days, around 7 months.
More days with higher income
If you become unemployed and are a member of a Swedish unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa), you can receive unemployment payments, but only up to 80 percent of the payment ceiling of SEK 33.000/month.
That means that with only a-kassa, you will not get more than max around SEK 19.000 a month after tax.
You should be a member of a Swedish unemployment insurance fund too, though, since the the unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) is the basis that Unionen's Income insurance supplements.
Everything you earn over SEK 33.000 a month is money that the unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) does not compensate – but when you are a member of Unionen, you can keep up to 70-80 percent* of your former income.
More days and higher ceiling with additional insurance Income protection insurance is included in the membership, up to an income of SEK 60.000 a month, with compensation paid for up to 150 days, around 7 months.