Unionen's Income insurance

Extra security between jobs. As a member of Unionen, you are covered by income protection insurance that secures your income of up to SEK 60.000 a month if unemployed for up to 150 days, that is around seven months. This is included in the membership.

Apply for membership

Unionen's Income insurance for members

As a member of Unionen, you are covered by income protection insurance that supplements the payment you receive from your unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa).

This means that you can insure an income of up to SEK 60.000 a month if unemployed for up to 150 days, around 7 months.

More days with higher income

If you become unemployed and are a member of a Swedish unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa), you can receive unemployment payments, but only up to 80 percent of the payment ceiling of SEK 33.000/month.

That means that with only a-kassa, you will not get more than max around SEK 19.000 a month after tax.

You should be a member of a Swedish unemployment insurance fund too, though, since the the unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) is the basis that Unionen's Income insurance supplements.

Everything you earn over SEK 33.000 a month is money that the unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) does not compensate – but when you are a member of Unionen, you can keep up to 70-80 percent* of your former income.

More days and higher ceiling with additional insurance Income protection insurance is included in the membership, up to an income of SEK 60.000 a month, with compensation paid for up to 150 days, around 7 months.

Extra insurance for high earners

In addition to this, you can opt to take out Unionen's additional insurance for SEK 50 a month, which means that you can receive extra compensation for up to 200 days, which means around 9 months.

If you earn more than SEK 60.000 a month, you pay SEK 150 a month for the additional insurance, thus securing your income up to SEK 150.000 a month and being entitled to compensation for up to 200 days.

Unionen's income protection insurance - calculate

Here you can see what the difference would mean to your economy with a membership in a-kassan only and with a double membership, in a-kassan and Unionen. Note your current salary in the field below and check it out. (Numbers after taxation.)

Salary before taxes

Calculate what the income insurance and supplementary insurance will give you!

To receive compensation from the income insurance, you must:

  • have been a member of Unionen for at least 12 months
  • have been a member of a Swedish unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) for at least 12 months
  • have worked at least 80 hours per calendar month, totaling 12 months in the last 18 months
  • have a salary above the compensation ceiling in the a-kassa (33,000 SEK/month for the first 100 days, 27,500 SEK/month from day 101)
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Video, Unionen förklarar kollektivavtal med engelska undertexter, subtitles

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Learn about collective bargaining, unemployment insurances and the Swedish Model through short videos with subtitles in English.