MYTH 1: Collective agreements prevent individual salaries and higher wage increases.
This is simply untrue. Collective agreements provide a framework for individual salary-setting based on, for example, performance. "The mark" regulates the minimum wage increase that applies to the company as a whole, but higher wage increases are possible.
MYTH 2: Collective agreements are unsuitable for global companies.
Regardless of where a company operates geographically, there are legal regulations that must be followed. In Sweden, our collective agreements are flexible and replace the legal rules. Therefore, collective agreements are suitable for global companies.
MYTH 3: Collective agreements prevent employee stock ownership programs.
There are no barriers in our collective agreements to having employee stock ownership programs, personal options, bonus systems, or other incentive programs.
MYTH 4: Collective agreements do not work for unique tech industry operations.
Collective agreements are a flexible framework that adapts to the needs of different industries. Without collective agreements, companies must follow legal rules that are less flexible. Collective agreements allow employers and unions to agree on customized solutions that suit the business.
MYTH 5: Working hours become less flexible under collective agreements.
In fact, we have replaced the Working Hours Act with our own rules that are more flexible than legislation. Our agreements allow for night work, as well as managing workloads during deadlines.
MYTH 6: Collective agreements offer inferior pension plans.
Our collective agreements offer better pensions than most insurance solutions that companies procure themselves. This is because our agreements have lower fees and management costs. This means that employees get more money for each contribution they make to their pension.
MYTH 7: Collective agreements slow down a company's progress as negotiations are required.
This is a common misunderstanding. Companies with collective agreements only need to negotiate important changes with the unions that are party to the agreement. Without a collective agreement, negotiations would be needed with all union members at the company, which would be more time-consuming.
MYTH 8: With collective agreements, unions control the company.
This is not the case. Collective agreements do not limit the employer's right to make decisions about the business. The unions only have the right to express their views on important changes to the company's operations.
MYTH 9: Companies cannot offer additional benefits such as health insurance under collective agreements.
Our collective agreements do not restrict employers from offering benefits such as health insurance, wellness benefits, or other similar benefits. It is up to the employer to decide which benefits to offer.
Source: Teknikföretagen